The 74-year-old husband is known to the courts “for habitual violence against a spouse”.
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A 70-year-old woman was found dead at her home in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) on Tuesday, September 3, the public prosecutor’s office announced in a press release. Her 74-year-old husband, known to the courts “for habitual violence against a spouse”, was arrested.
After being alerted “by a family member”police went to the couple’s home, where they discovered the woman’s body “lying on the ground”the prosecution said. The husband was at the scene, and a stick was discovered nearby. An autopsy and investigations have been ordered. “in order to determine the exact circumstances of the facts”the prosecution said.
The man is known to the courts for a conviction, dating from August 2022, of “12 months in prison with probation suspended for two years with provisional execution”, “particularly for habitual violence by a spouse against the same victim”the prosecution reports. “According to the reports held, he had complied with all his obligations and prohibitions while the monitoring had ended on August 2024”adds the prosecution. On average, a femicide occurs every three days in France. According to the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, there were 94 femicides in 2023, compared to 118 in 2022.