The National Rally is taking care of its return and wants to gain credibility

In parallel with the negotiations for Matignon, the representatives of the National Rally in the Assembly are preparing. The deputies will begin, among other things, with training in public speaking.



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The deputies of the National Rally during the return of parliamentarians, July 10, 2024. (ALEXIS SCIARD / MAXPPP)

The representatives of the National Rally have a finish line in mind, that of next July, for a possible dissolution. Between now and then and from October, the 126 RN deputies will be on the job and will chain back-to-school seminars, working groups and coaching sessions, according to information from franceinfo.Even if there is government instability, MPs must be at work” assures us Renaud Labaye, one of the leaders of the group. In short, the RN wishes to continue the strategy of the good student to recover from the hammer blow of the legislative elections.

The deputies will start, among other things, with training in public speaking: building an argument is something that can be learned, especially when you reach the National Assembly after a simple campaigning career. With a session every 15 days for 6 months, like last year, the goal is to increase the number of deputies authorized to speak in the media before the possible dissolution. In recent years, only about ten deputies have spoken regularly on the sets.

Since the legislative elections, the embarrassing profiles of RN candidates, between pots and pans and racist outbursts, have cost the party dearly. This will also be one of the topics of the back-to-school seminar in the presence of Marine Le Pen and party boss Jordan Bardella. Everything will be covered. Parliamentary collaborators who are not up to the task are thrown out! The same goes for the federations, “it is necessary to put people who can manage“according to a party strategist, and why not decision-making bodies at the regional level. This looks like a major clean-up of the RN, even if the party executives say the opposite.

The internal organization will have to be discussed during this seminar. According to a party MP, the RN has reached 100,000 activists, and according to him needs to review the structure.We are experiencing what an SME experiences when it becomes the leading company in France.” he said.

More activists means more money:Financially it is easier to recruit“, we are told. The RN has collected more than 15 million euros in annual funding thanks to the last elections. The time of debts is over, but perhaps not that of troubles. Marine Le Pen will be tried at the end of September on suspicion of embezzlement of European funds. This is above all the big event of the new school year for the National Rally.

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