Emmanuel Macron continues to maintain suspense over the name of the next head of government

Nearly two months after the legislative elections, the name of the new Prime Minister is still awaited. Emmanuel Macron met on Monday, September 2, with two possible contenders for Matignon, one from the left, Bernard Cazeneuve, and the other from the right, Xavier Bertrand. But it is a third name, more unexpected because unknown to the general public, which has emerged as a possible Prime Minister: that of Thierry Beaudet, the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE). This option was judged “very serious” by a relative of the bornnegotiations, who spoke to the political service of France Télévisions. Follow our live stream.

Socialists skeptical about the Thierry Beaudet hypothesis. “His CV is not in dispute,” Olivier Faure judged on franceinfo on Monday. “I know him very little, but above all, I don’t know what political options he defends”continued the leader of the socialists. The socialist president of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga, observes for her part that the person concerned has not “never governed” neither “worked on bringing together political forces”.

Xavier Bertrand and Cazeneuve also in the running. The president of Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, a supporter of the Gaullist and social right, is coming up against the refusal of the leaders of his party, Les Républicains, of any coalition or participation in the government. As for the former socialist Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, whose profile divides the left, he “is not asking for it, but if he does so, it is out of duty and to avoid additional difficulties for the country”his entourage assured on Sunday.

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