Israel-Hamas War: “We need another strategy” to “save those who can be saved”, says the lawyer for several hostage families

The Israeli military said on Sunday it had recovered and identified the bodies of six hostages in the Gaza Strip who were alive when they were abducted on October 7, 2023, according to the Defense Ministry.


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Maître Patrick Klugman, lawyer for families of Franco-Israeli hostages, guest on franceinfo, Monday September 2, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“The families of the hostages consider that what has been put in place so far has not succeeded since there are too many dead”declared Monday, September 2, on franceinfo Patrick Klugman, lawyer for several families of Franco-Israeli hostages. The Israeli army declared Sunday that it had recovered and identified the bodies of six hostages in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Minister of Defense affirms that these people were alive when Hamas kidnapped them on October 7, 2023.

“The military strategy may have had some benefits”recognizes Patrick Klugman, but the lawyer believes that“We must now return to another strategy” And “to save those who can be saved, and to bring back the bodies of those who are unfortunately already dead.” “There is a doctrine that has failed, that is at an impasse”adds Patrick Klugman.

The lawyer for several families of French-Israeli hostages says that these families “have decided to speak out again, to take responsibility and to force the government as much as possible to change its strategy”The goal, according to Patrick Klugman, is to “to make military strategy no longer the priority”but let it now be “the discussion and the return of those who can return from Gaza to their families”Currently, 97 hostages are still being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, 33 of whom are considered dead. “Everything suggests that a large number of them have unfortunately died.”deplores Patrick Klugman.

As the powerful Israeli power plant calls on Israelis to hold a general strike on Monday to demand the return of the hostages, Patrick Klugman assures that there is “many companies that are not unionized at all will follow and amplify the movement.” He claims that the movement “will spread throughout the country”. However, according to Patrick Klugman, “The message of the demonstrators is not strictly political in nature, they are not demanding elections, nor the departure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, they are demanding the return of the hostages.”

“The mourning period for Jews is 11 months, it’s now: we feel that we are at the end of a cycle, it has to stop”concludes Patrick Klugman.

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