Pope Francis flies to Asia and Oceania for longest trip of his pontificate

At 87, despite his fragile health, Francis becomes the oldest pope to travel outside Italy.


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Pope Francis gives his blessing to the faithful during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square on September 1, 2024, at the Vatican. (VATICAN MEDIA / CPP / HANS LUCAS)

The Pope leaves Rome late Monday afternoon, September 2, for a tour of Asia and Oceania. Francis is embarking on the longest journey of his pontificate: 12 days, four countries (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Singapore), 32,000 kilometers in all. At 87, despite his fragile health, he becomes the oldest pope to travel outside Italy. A real challenge.

The last long trip to COP28 in Dubai had been cancelled in December 2023. After a winter and early spring filled with breathing difficulties, François feels able to take off. “At 7:15 the plane leaves Rome, there is a five-hour time difference and a 13:15 flight. Arrival in Jakarta is scheduled for 11:30 on September 3,” explains Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press office.

Tuesday, after the welcome at the airport in Jakarta, Indonesia, no commitments are planned. The key is motivation, according to Professor Andrea Ungar, who heads the Italian Society of Gerontology in Florence. And Francis’ motivation is made of steel. “His strength is his will to be the pope, he explains. Motivation is even more important beyond the age of 85, when you have to mobilize all your energy. Neither age nor even clinical condition prevents you from leaving if the trip is well organized.”

A doctor and two nurses accompany the pontiff. No additional arrangements compared to usual, assures the Vatican, except for the unusual presence of his two secretaries for Francis’ personal comfort. The pope must use a small elevator to get on and off the plane. John Paul II was 84 years old during his last trip. Francis will be 88 in December.

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