Testimonial | Thank you to the health workers

The “sick and breathless” health workers, really? Possibly. However, I must bring here a serious caveat to this union assertion. I am currently in the heart of the system, bedridden in the emergency room of the Saint-Jérôme hospital since Thursday, January 6.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Denis chabot
Retired school manager, Val-David

I have had plenty of time to make a lot of observations, to hear a lot of comments in this very crowded environment, and no one is showing the slightest sign of disillusionment. On the contrary.

The staff is out of definition. The term angel would be too weak here, cliché. Serial benevolence, kindness served intravenously despite the heavy climate disturbed by COVID-19 which is raging here, as in all hospitals in Quebec.

Screaming, screaming every night, a patient wetting the bed, people out of control who don’t know where they are etc, nothing stops these health fighters who command all my admiration and respect.

Between them, the nurses, attendants, security guards (sorry if I made any omissions), etc., are respectful, funny, and above all, very collaborative. The teamwork is admirable. The rare moments of calm allow the exchange of opinions, sharing of family life, laughs, as if nothing had happened, while all around, the war continues. Striking. Of course, once I heard a person speak negatively about their shift. The exception that confirms the rule. Bonhomie is at the rendezvous. I’m not exaggerating.

I have worked for almost 30 years in school management. The old adage said that you had to have a vocation to work there. Believe me, with what I have seen, heard and experienced in recent days, it will be necessary to reinvent this old worn-out expression for the hospital environment.

Thanks again.

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