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Minister Nicole Belloubet, who has resigned, defended the introduction of level groups in middle school at a press conference and announced that the texts on the new methods of assessing the brevet will be published after the appointment of a new government.
A return to school in a “unprecedented political context”. While students will return to school on September 2, Nicole Belloubet, the resigning Minister of National Education, presented the main thrusts and new features of the school year on Tuesday, August 27. Despite the waltz of personalities in this position in recent months and the absence of a new government, Nicole Belloubet assured that “Back to school is ready”. At a press conference, the resigning minister promoted her “desire to bring about changes, but also to mark a calming down that our system badly needs”. Here’s what you need to know about its main announcements.
Patent reform partially frozen
Current affairs, which are in charge of the resigning government of Gabriel Attal, “are neither a suspended time for school, nor a dead time”swore Nicole Belloubet. The resigning minister nevertheless announced that the publication of several texts was suspended until the appointment of a new government. Those on the new methods of evaluating the patent “had to be postponed”, she explained. “As soon as the current affairs period ends”, “we should be able to ensure their publication so that they can come into force for the 2025 patent”she said.
The reform of the methods of assessing the brevet provides in particular for an increase in the share given to end-of-year tests in the final mark (60% instead of 50% currently), “taking into account all 3rd year disciplines for the 40% of continuous assessment” And “the establishment of academic harmonization commissions”. On the other hand, the obligation to obtain the brevet to enter high school, announced at the end of 2023 by Gabriel Attal, is for the moment ruled out, “the decree provided for this purpose being frozen at this stage”.
“The next government will decide what happens.”
Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Educationat a press conference
The resigning minister also announced a rewriting of the mathematics and French programs “cycle 1” (maternal) and “cycle 2” (CP, CE1 and CE2) so that they are “clearer, more detailed, more readable.” “These programs may be published at the end of the current affairs period” And “they will come into force at the start of the 2025 school year.” The reform of initial teacher training is also currently suspended, but will have to be “a priority of the next government”urged the minister.
Smartphone ban to be tested at the start of the school year
Following the recommendations of the commission on the use of screens wanted by Emmanuel Macron, the resigning minister announced the experiment of the banning of mobile phones in 200 colleges from the start of the school year in September. If its use is already prohibited, the “digital pause” wanted by Nicole Belloubet aims to go further, by requiring students to leave their smartphones at the entrance to the establishment. The generalization of this ban in colleges “should to be able to intervene from January 2025″said the resigning minister. This measure aims “to prevent online violence” And “to limit exposure to screens”justifies the ministry in its press kit.
Level groups in middle school set up with “flexibility”
Level groups in 6th and 5th grade, a controversial measure by the outgoing government, will be introduced “with flexibility and pragmatism”promised Nicole Belloubet. “It is up to the establishments and teams to act to achieve the objectives of the reform”called on the minister to resign. “I understand the difficulties on the ground, (…) they are not the same depending on the colleges, (…) but we have put in place means”she defended.
Announced by Gabriel Attal, then Minister of National Education, but vilified by a large part of the educational world, the level groups, renamed “needs groups” by Nicole Belloubet, aim to make “progress all students in mastering fundamental knowledge by taking better account of their diversity”the minister argued.
New national assessments in CE2 and CM2
From the start of the school year, national assessments will be generalized to all levels of elementary school. Thus, in addition to the assessments already existing in CP, CE1 and CM1, CE2 and CM2 students will also be affected by these tests. “Of the same nature as those from other levels, these assessments will help teachers adjust their interventions educational to ensure that students have mastered the fundamental knowledge at the end of primary school, an essential condition for their success in secondary school”justifies the ministry in its press kit.
Several unions are calling for a strike on September 10 to protest against this generalization of assessments. They question their usefulness and believe that they are “source of stress” for teachers, students and families. A concern that Nicole Belloubet has “hard to share”. “It’s not at all a mechanical thing intended to spy on anyone, it’s an additional tool offered to teachersshe stressed. National assessments [complètent] their individual approaches.”
A provisional budget that “does not meet” needs
The resigning minister has requested that the national education budget be “at least protected” in the 2025 finance bill, which will be examined in the fall. With a view to drafting this text, Gabriel Attal transmitted on August 20 the “ceiling letters” to ministries, which determine their financial resources. “The ceilings that have been sent to our ministry would force us to be particularly budgetaryly rigorous.said Nicole Belloubet. This budget, which at this time does not, from my point of view, meet all of our needs, has not yet been finalized.”
“I believe that consistency would require that the National Education budget be at least protected.”
Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Educationat a press conference
The resigning minister therefore called on the next government to “to be very attentive to this if he wishes to maintain a real ambition for this national priority.”