nine out of ten French people regret the lack of resources implemented

According to an OpinionWay survey published on Monday for Unapei and reported by France Inter, more than eight out of ten French people are aware of the unsuitable schooling conditions for children with disabilities.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Inter

Radio France



Reading time: 2 min

An inclusive class was opened at the Lamartine college in Bischheim, in Bas-Rhin, at the start of the 2020 school year. (JEAN-MARC LOOS / MAXPPP)

Nearly nine out of ten French people regret the lack of resources for the schooling of disabled children, according to an OpinionWay survey revealed on Monday, August 26 for Unapei, an association that defends the rights of people with mental disabilities, reported by France Inter. This survey concerns the schooling of children with intellectual disabilities. The association wanted to know more about the French people’s perception of inclusive education.

While 74% of those surveyed see inclusive education as a benefit for all, 83% are aware of the unsuitable or non-existent schooling conditions and 89% deplore the significant lack of trained professionals.

Unapei is formal, “in 2024, there are still many children with intellectual disabilities who do not have access to schooling, who do not benefit from a schooling solution adapted to their needs or their level or whose schooling is limited to six hours per week”. Unapei also denounces the fact that in 2024, “some children with disabilities are not included in the National Education system.”

Nour’s mother, for example, still doesn’t know whether her six-year-old daughter, who suffers from hemiplegia, will start primary school like all her little friends: “Nour needs someone to help her at school, an AESH, and we don’t know yet if she will have one, so there is uncertainty.”Without this help, the little girl will be forced to stay at home. “Our children are able to go to school, it’s a right. It’s a daily fight,” emphasizes this mother.

“As a mother, I am revolted.”

The mother of Nour, six years old, hemiplegic

at Radiofrance

Unapei therefore has several demands, including the allocation “all necessary means (human, financial, structural and organizational) in quality and quantity, to guarantee every child with a disability access to schooling, regardless of the method of schooling (ordinary school or specialized establishment)”. Another claim, “ensure the participation of all students in all extracurricular activities”, “have trained teachers” or even “working on the accessibility of the common law school”.

In September 2023, more than 430,000 children with disabilities were in school, 34% more than in 2017. There is no data yet for the start of the 2024 school year. The school year starts on Monday, September 2, 2024, and 12 million children will return to school.

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