The Astériotypie group is more than happy to be at Rock en Seine

The Rock sur Seine festival ends Sunday in Saint-Cloud. The 2024 edition was marked, in particular, by the passage on Saturday evening of the group Astéréotypie, whose members have a mental handicap.


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Claire Ottaway, singer of the group Astéréotypie, during the Transmusicales in Rennes, December 8, 2022. (DAMIEN MEYER / AFP)

The extraordinary adventure of the group Astéréotypie, composed in particular of people with mental disabilities, continues. They have conquered the biggest festivals for five years. They were at the Rock en Seine festival in Saint-Cloud on Saturday, August 24, and they once again wowed the audience.

This is what you call a powerful moment. As storms threaten, the punk fury of Astériotypie unleashes on Rock en Seine. Yohann, one of the band’s singers, was very moved: “I experienced a unique and shared moment, with a crazy atmosphere like we have rarely seen”.

Astériotypie is the story of a collective formed in a medical-educational institute and which transformed into one of the most exciting groups of recent years, surrounded by musicians who accompany and marvel. “It is above all they who tame, says Eric, one of the musicians. What surprised me with them from the beginning, when we started doing big scenes, is that they have much less stage fright than we do. It’s crazy.”

“They have a stage presence, they eat up the stage.”

Eric, one of the musicians in the group

to franceinfo

Their latest album with the brilliant title, No guy looks like Brad Pitt in Drômereally made them known with their Dadaist and original writing, their incredible energy on stage. Originally, Christophe was their supervisor and he now supervises an adventure that surpasses them. “I always had the feeling of having taken on this project as if it could stop overnight and that it was no big deal because we had already done everything we had done. We will have to accept that we have the place, our place here, in there. We sometimes have the feeling of being a bit of usurpers but ultimately, I think we are expected and that really makes us happy”.

For Yohann, the benefit is clear: “When I’m on stage, I feel happy as a champion. It’s my own will to share his fear, his desires, his passions and live together. It’s already a great victory to be here. Personally, it’s still a pride to be here and I like to respect my commitments”. Here, the handicap is only accessory, it is the driving force behind an overflowing creativity. The collective is currently working on its next album which will be released in the fall.

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