How will the funeral of the legendary actor take place on Saturday, in the privacy of his home in Douchy?

The funeral of the sacred monster of cinema will be held on Saturday at 4 p.m. Around fifty people, close friends of Alain Delon’s family, are invited and expected from 2 p.m.


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Anouchka Delon (right), stands in front of dozens of bouquets of flowers placed at the entrance to her father Alain Delon's property in Douchy (Loiret), on August 21, 2024. (TOM MASSON / AFP)

After a life in the spotlight, it is in privacy that Alain Delon’s family and friends will say goodbye to him on Saturday, August 24, in the afternoon in the private chapel of his property in Douchy (Loiret).

A funeral in front of around fifty people

The funeral of the sacred monster of French cinema will be held at 4 p.m., his three children Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien told AFP. Around fifty people, close friends of the Delon clan, are invited and expected from 2 p.m.

Mobile phones should be taken away from all those present at the funeral, for reasons of privacy. At the request of the family, the prefecture has also banned flights over the property for the entire weekend.

A ceremony provided by Jean-Michel Di Falco

The funeral will take place behind closed doors, away from cameras and lenses, in the chapel located in the heart of the Douchy-Montcorbon property purchased by Alain Delon in 1971, La Brûlerie.

In accordance with the wishes of the deceased, who had defined the arrangements for his funeral several years ago, the ceremony will be celebrated in a small group by Jean-Michel Di Falco, 82, former bishop of Gap and long considered the chaplain of celebrities.

The headliner of “The Leopard” or “Borsalino”, a believer, had spoken about his faith, notably during an interview in 2018, in which he confided his “crazy passion” for the Virgin Mary. “She is the woman in the world that I love the most (…) and the one to whom I speak most often”, he said then.

A funeral at his home around 5 p.m.

Alain Delon will be buried as he wished at home around 5 p.m. near his dogs, a procedure to be carried out “exceptional title” which required prefectural authorization. “I have absolutely no fear of death”the actor declared in 2011 to Paris-Match, which republished a photo from 2011 where he is standing next to the vault where he intends to rest, in the chapel he had built.

At least 80 gendarmes mobilized, two departmental roads cut

All week long, anonymous people, who came by the hundreds and sometimes from very far away, came to sign the condolence books, lay flowers or simply pay their respects in front of the gates of the property. On the eve of the funeral, two of her friends even came to help prepare in time “hundreds of orders” which must be deposited by the funeral directors for the funeral.

Many journalists are expected, but also several thousand curious onlookers who will come to the gates of the estate to pay a final farewell to the “Samurai”. At least 80 gendarmes will be mobilized to secure and monitor the surroundings of the property, according to the authorities.

Roadblocks will be set up, two of the departmental roads will be closed to traffic and a first aid station will be installed. The option of a mass in the town church, which was once discussed, was not taken up by the actor’s children, according to the town hall. A public mass could, however, be organised in September.

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