Famous Top Chef candidate “arrested in the street” and pushed to the limit, his appeal to his fans

The big winner of season 9 of Top chef is at the end of the roll. No pun intended. Indeed, if he won this season thanks to his talent, the young cook also worked alongside Philippe Etchebest in the penultimate season ofTop Chef Objective on M6. A media presence that the latter no longer supports.

For him, participating and winning Top Chef is just one step in his career as a cook like any other. But for viewers it is much more. Used and proud to receive compliments on his plates and his work, Camille Delcroix has difficulty accepting being recognized in the street and arrested on a daily basis: “After Top Chef was very fast and we are not necessarily prepared for that. The sudden notoriety is not easy to manage”. Especially since the latter is rather shy and lonely, “especially for me who likes to be quiet. I’m a bit lunar, I like to stay in my bubble.

Too much is too much for Camille Delcroix

And indeed, if the big winner of the show managed to have fun with it for a while, “Walking with his wife and daughter in a stroller and being stopped in the street, it’s funny a year “, he quickly realized that it was going too far, “Then we have to turn the page. I neither invented the Covid vaccine nor won the World Cup football, I just won a cooking competition. Even though I know it’s part of the game.

Tired of this notoriety, Camille Delcroix tries to make his fans understand that he needs more calm and discretion, while continuing to share some tips and recipes with them on social networks. And to grow his restaurant!

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