“Early this morning (…) the enemy used ballistic weapons to launch a missile attack on kyiv”the civil administration of the Ukrainian capital reported on the Telegram social network on Sunday, August 18. According to the same source, it is “very likely” whether it is about “North Korean KN-23 ballistic missiles”. The devices were intercepted as they approached the Ukrainian capital and were unable to reach their target. Follow our live stream.
Drones target the capital. Russian devices have also targeted “almost simultaneously” the city, and have all been “destroyed” outside the kyiv perimeter by air defense, authorities say. “No destruction has been reported in kyiv, and no reports of casualties have been received.”adds the same source.
IAEA concerned about “deterioration” of security at Zaporizhia plant. The UN agency has warned that security at Ukraine’s Russian-occupied nuclear power plant, Europe’s largest, in the south of the country is at risk. “deteriorated”after a drone strike nearby. According to them, the damage “appear to have been caused by a drone equipped with an explosive charge”which hit the road between the two main gates of the factory.
Investigation opened in Russia against Italian journalists after report. The FSB “opened a criminal investigation” against Italian journalists Stefania Battistini and Simone Traini for “illegal border crossing”“, the Russian services specified in a statement quoted by Russian agencies. Journalists from the Italian channel Rai made a report in the Kursk region.