As in Dax (Landes) last Thursday, anti-bullfighting activists will demonstrate at 3 p.m. on Saturday during the Béziers (Hérault) feria to demand its ban throughout France.
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“Bullfighting is not a question of taste, it is a question of ethics, of human dignity”raises on franceinfo Sophie Maffre-Baugé, president of the Colbac association, Béziers liaison committee for the abolition of bullfighting. A demonstration is taking place on Saturday August 17 in Béziers, in Hérault, against bullfighting, two days after a first gathering in Dax, in Landes.
“Bullfighting is about generating pleasure from the spectacle of the cruel killing of an animal, so that is totally unacceptable in 2024.”explains the committee chair.
“You have to know that bullfighting involves cruelty and serious abuse, it involves very deep injuries for the purpose of entertainment.”
Sophie Maffre-Baugeto franceinfo
Article 522-1 of the Penal Code prohibits the voluntary killing, publicly or not, of an animal, under penalty of six months and a fine of 7,500 euros. This article does not apply to bullfights when an interrupted local tradition can be invoked. “This is absurd. In no way can tradition justify the cruelty inflicted on an animal.”says the anti-bullfighting activist who wants to abolish it wherever there is a bullfighting tradition “in Béziers, in Nîmes, in Bayonne or even in Dax”.