What to watch this week? Here are our reviews of the latest films released in theaters or on a platform.
The Count of Monte Cristo : another excellent adaptation of a Dumas classic
“In an interview, Matthieu Delaporte mentioned to us that he found it interesting when directors and producers revisit great classics, because they offer a new perspective on the work. We can only agree with him, as the version of this other timeless novel by Alexandre Dumas is so successful. Without distorting the raw material, it offers a contemporary reading of a tale of revenge that has spanned the ages,” summarizes our journalist Pascal Leblanc.
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Hunting dayby Annick Blanc: a she-wolf among the males
” In Hunting dayset in northern Quebec, screenwriter, director and producer Annick Blanc draws inspiration from a painful personal experience that she transforms into a daring sylvan huis clos where she explores male toxicity and cognitive diversion,” explains our journalist Manon Dumas.
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Alien – Romulus : back in 1979, or almost
“The plot of Romulus is thin, but has enough surprises and tension to keep us invested for two hours. Even if we now know the xenomorphs as well as Ripley – made legendary thanks to Sigourney Weaver –, these dripping monsters remain terrifying. The last act is particularly nightmarish,” writes our journalist Pascal Leblanc.
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