Purchasing power, ecology, health… The NFP candidate for Matignon, Lucie Castets, writes to the deputies to present her “five major priorities”

The left assures that a Castets government would conduct “as soon as it is appointed” “in-depth discussions with the Republican parliamentary groups” – a formulation which a priori excludes the National Rally.


Reading time: 1 min

The candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) at Matignon, Lucie Castets, on July 27, 2024. (FRANCOIS LO PRESTI / AFP)

Purchasing power, ecology, health… The candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) at Matignon, Lucie Castets, listed on Monday August 12 her “five major priorities” in a letter to the deputies and senators of “republican groups”to whom she promised a “gain of space” facing the executive.

“Voters expressed a very strong expectation of change” during the July legislative elections, which “placed the New Popular Front in the lead” but left the National Assembly “fragmented and without a majority”writes Lucie Castets in this letter, co-signed by the seven leaders of the left-wing parliamentary groups. If they claim power, these leaders nevertheless intend “take into account all the implications of this election”starting with the need to “to convince beyond the ranks of the NFP to build parliamentary majorities.”

So they propose a “change of practice” within Parliament, for “develop the texts in advance”better “distribute responsibilities” during the debates and more “share the agenda” with the executive. As a pledge of this “regaining the space given to parliamentary work”the left assures that a Castets government would lead “as soon as he was appointed” of the “in-depth discussions with Republican parliamentary groups” – formulation which a priori excludes the National Rally.

This work, which would also involve unions, local elected officials and “organized civil society”would relate to both “the budget for 2025” and on “a government work programme for the coming months”. A plan that is based on “five major priorities”first and foremost among which “purchasing power and social justice”including the increase in the minimum wage and the repeal of the pension reform. The left also wants to emphasize “the ecological bifurcation”education, “the public health service” And “fair taxation” focused on “the wealthiest households, multinationals” as well as “tax fraud and evasion”.

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