“simulated drowning”, “releasing dogs”, “sexual assaults”… Israel accused of “torture” of Palestinian prisoners

The conditions of detention of Palestinians in Israel are once again controversial. Several NGOs, as well as the United Nations and the media, have repeatedly warned this summer about the mistreatment to which many prisoners have allegedly been subjected since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7.

For its part, the Israeli army assures that it opens investigations when there is “suspicions of misconduct criminal”At the end of July, nine soldiers were arrested for alleged mistreatment of a prisoner in controversial Sde Teiman detention center in the south of the country. Franceinfo summarizes the latest accusations targeting the Hebrew state.

Former Gaza prisoners accuse Israel of torture in press

In early July, returning from detention, Gazans testified to AFP that they had been tortured by Israeli forces. Among them, the director of Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital, Mohammed Abou Salmiya, recounted being subjected “to severe torture” during his seven months of captivity, which ended on July 1. According to him, many detainees are “dead in interrogation centers”.

“I was beaten day and night. We were blindfolded, our hands and feet were chained and they let dogs loose on us.”said Mahmoud al-Zaanine, a Gazan released in June, testifying from a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

“I was tortured. I swear to God, they targeted my genitals four times.”

Mahmoud al-Zaanine, former Palestinian prisoner

to AFP

Asked by AFP, the Israeli army said “totally reject the allegations of systematic abuse”including sexual abuse and electrocution. It assures that it complies with Israeli and international law and “protect rights” detainees. According to Israel, the released detainees are under the control of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, “which can force them to provide false information.”

Amnesty International NGO speaks of “widespread torture” of Palestinians

On 18 July, Amnesty International urged Israel to stop placing “in secret” Palestinians in Gaza and subject them to a “widespread torture” in its jails. In a statement, the NGO claims to have collected information on 27 former Palestinian prisoners. According to it, all those who spoke to it said they had been subjected to the “torture” and others “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment”. Amnesty says it has “observed marks and bruises consistent with torture on at least eight of the former detainees interviewed in person”The NGO also claims to have reviewed the medical records of two other released detainees, which corroborated their allegations of torture”.

Prisoners of Sde Teiman military camp “reported that they were blindfolded and handcuffed throughout their detention in the camp”continues the NGO. They reported being forced to remain in painful positions for long hours and being prevented from talking to each other or raising their heads.”the NGO explains. A 14-year-old boy was also allegedly subjected to it “to acts of torture”notably “kicks and punches to the neck and head” and some “cigarette burns”.

UN report denounces “absolute impunity”

In a report published on July 31, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk discusses a series of horrific acts, such as simulating drowning and setting dogs on prisoners”The report also mentions prisoners “burned with cigarettes and given hallucinogenic drugs.” According to the report, at least 53 prisoners from Gaza and the West Bank died while in Israeli custody between October 7 and June 30.

Ten UN experts then warned against “the escalation of the use of torture” in Israel against Palestinian prisoners, denouncing a “absolute impunity” and calling for prevention “a crime against humanity”. They claimed to have received “supported information” reporting numerous cases of torture, sexual assault and rape, “in atrocious inhuman conditions.”

“Countless testimonies from men and women describe detainees locked in cages, tied to beds, blindfolded and wearing diapers, stripped naked, deprived of adequate health care, food, water and sleep.” and subjected to “electrocutions, including on the genitals, blackmail and burns of cigarettes”these experts detail.

Israeli NGO points to “systematic mistreatment”

Thousands of Palestinian prisoners are victims of “ill-treatment and torture” systematic in Israeli prisons, the Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem said in a report published on August 6. Testimonies from 55 former detainees revealed “inhumane conditions”according to the document, stressing that more than a dozen penitentiary establishments were used as “de facto torture camps”.

“The testimonies clearly indicate a systematic institutional policy focused on the mistreatment and torture of all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.”

the NGO B’Tselem

in a report

Former inmates have described “frequent acts of serious and arbitrary violence, sexual assault, humiliation and degradation, deliberate food deprivation, forced hygiene conditions and sleep deprivation”adds the NGO.

Asked by AFP, the Israeli prison administration assured that the assertions of the report were “baseless”. “The Israeli military categorically rejects allegations of systematic mistreatment in its detention centers”the army added.

Palestinian NGO blames Israel for ex-detainee’s death

A 50-year-old Palestinian woman died on August 5 from complications from “very serious injuries inflicted on him during his detention” by Israeli forces, authorities in the occupied West Bank said. Wife of a Hamas figure in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, Wafaa Jarrar was arrested on May 21 and released on May 30, according to the Prisoners Club, a Palestinian NGO that defends prisoners. After being released from detention, she was taken to hospital, where she remained unconscious until her death. The NGO and the authorities accused Israel of committing a “crime” against Wafaa Jarrar, which led to the amputation of her legs.

US calls for investigation after video shows possible sexual assault

On August 7, the United States urged Israel to investigate after a video appeared to show Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian prisoner. The video, broadcast by Israel’s Channel 12, showed soldiers apparently picking out a prisoner and taking him to a corner of the Sde Teiman detention center.

“We have seen the video and the reports of sexual violence against detainees are horrific”the U.S. State Department said. “The human rights of prisoners must be respected in all cases. And when there are accusations of violations, the government of Israel must ensure that there is an investigation and that those accused of violations are held accountable, if proven.”he added. Contacted by AFP, an Israeli army spokesman said the army was looking into the information.

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