Fact of civilization | Le Devoir

In the past, we rubbed shoulders with the “old” and drew on their great experience, whereas with civilization we have increasingly distanced ourselves from the old by placing them in private residences for seniors (RPA) and long-term care centres (CHSLD), just like children who are placed in CPEs and then in school.

This fact of civilization has the consequence that for the majority of people, we do not realize that we are getting old, that there are consequences to age because we are cut off from the old. It is therefore when we become old that we wake up to old age and the ailments from which our body irremediably suffers. It is often a great surprise because we did not expect it and we also realize the experiences that we have lived and that could be useful to the younger ones so as not to make the same mistakes that we have made, but it is rather solitude that awaits us.

There is no longer any interest in experience and, sometimes, the wisdom of the old and humanity continues to go around in circles, repeating the same mistakes over and over again; this is called civilization.

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