The star of Large families, life in XXL changes its look and impresses its fans!

As we have just entered the second week of 2022, there have been some who started it with a big smile. This is Amandine Pelissard. The star of the program Familles Many, la vie en XXL on TF1 was still passing through Paris, (or rather in the Paris region). And the young woman took the opportunity to afford a new haircut.

“Here is the change (…) Personally I am a fan !!”, she wrote in the caption of a photo taken in this salon located in Charenton-Le-Pont (Val-de-Marne). “Yes, extensions Can also play on the volume, the thickness and not only the lengths. In short, a new look adopted for a long time … DIDINE is happy mdr”, she continued. If Alexander’s wife is proud, she has sought the advice of her community. “And you your opinions you validate ???”.

The responses received in the comments did not disappoint Amandine … far from it! “You are gorgeous”, “I love it, ultra-natural!”, “But then this length! It suits you so well! It rejuvenates you, you look beautiful like that”, “It refines your face and it gives a It was much too short before “,” You are beautiful, you have rejuvenated “,” It suits you so well “,” Since you cut your hair + locks it has rejuvenated you and you don’t change anymore are magnificent “,” You are very beautiful “,” It refines your face and gives a youthful look. It was much too short before “,” Frankly yes I validate 100000%. You are superb like that, this cut and this color is what suits you best. Too too too beautiful “,” I prefer this hairstyle than the one before which was too short in my opinion. Very pretty “, could we read in the comments. The last hair update carried out in this salon dates back to last December. Several well-known personalities are used to going there, for example Vaïmalama Chaves.

See also: Amandine Pelissard (Large families, life in XXL): completely addicted to drugs, she confesses …


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