The alleged facts date back to 2021, during act 3 of the “yellow vests”. A trial is now required by the Paris prosecutor’s office, franceinfo learned on Thursday, confirming information from AFP.
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The Paris prosecutor’s office on Wednesday requested a trial against nine CRS suspected of aggravated intentional violence against at least four “yellow vests” and a journalist in a Burger King restaurant near the Champs-Elysées at the end of 2018, franceinfo learned on Thursday August 1 from a source close to the case, confirming information from AFP.
Regarding this symbolic case of the “yellow vests”, which occurred during act 3, on December 1, 2018 around 7 p.m., the day had been marked by numerous acts of violence and clashes, notably in a Burger King restaurant near the Champs-Elysées. This violence had been filmed by several journalists. On the videos, we could see the CRS violently beating demonstrators, some of whom were lying on the ground, with batons.