The theft took place this weekend, without breaking and entering, in the premises of Endel, an EDF subcontractor responsible for the maintenance of parts used in nuclear power plants. It was discovered on Monday morning.
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More fear than harm. An EDF subcontractor specializing in nuclear power, Endel, victim of a computer theft this weekend in Marseille, assured on Wednesday July 31 that no sensitive information could have been disclosed via this theft. “The claim that sensitive information could be disclosed [codes d’accès et plans de sites nucléaires] is wrong”responded Altrad Endel, explaining that it uses “advanced encryption solutions on all its workstationshe”.
Moreover, “steps were taken immediately to deactivate the affected computers”the company added. The theft took place this weekend, without a break-in, at Endel premises, and was discovered on Monday morning. An EDF spokesperson assured that after “investigations”he was able to affirm that he “there was no sensitive data in the [onze] stolen computers”.
The Marseille public prosecutor’s office confirmed on Monday that France 3 Provence-Alpes the opening of an investigation into the charge of theft in a warehouse of goods, valuables or merchandise. This investigation was entrusted to the property crime squad of the South Judicial Research Unit. A former subsidiary of Engie specializing in industrial maintenance, Endel has been part of the industrial services and building equipment group Altrad since 2022. Endel has notably participated in the replacement of pipes and elbows across the entire French nuclear fleet managed by EDF.