A sixty-year-old woman is murdered in Montreal

The 64-year-old woman who died Monday evening in the Lachine borough of Montreal was murdered, the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) announced Tuesday morning.

“We can confirm that it is the 21ste homicide to occur on the island of Montreal” since the beginning of the year, said spokesperson Sabrina Gauthier.

“The investigation is still ongoing. We have no updates on that front,” she added.

On Monday, SPVM police officers were called to intervene in an apartment located on Route 32e Avenue following a 911 call made at 7:45 p.m.

Once on the scene, they discovered the lifeless body of a woman. Shortly after, Urgences-santé technicians pronounced the sixty-year-old woman dead.

At the time, it was called a “suspicious death.”

The cause and circumstances of the murder remain unknown.

This is the 16the femicide of the year in Quebec.

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