Heroine Fanny Cloutier goes to the cinema

Yan England, director of 1:54 and of Satshoots family adventure drama Fanny Cloutierbased on the children’s novels by Stéphanie Lapointe.

Montreal production company Téléfiction announced Monday morning the start of filming for Yan England’s third feature film, Fanny CloutierHaving started on July 25 for a duration of 29 days, the filming will take place in Montreal, in the Bas-Saint-Laurent, as well as in Tokyo, Japan.

Adapted from the children’s novels by Stéphanie Lapointe and the illustrator Marianne Ferrer, published by Les Malins, Fanny Cloutier marks the film debut as a screenwriter of Stéphanie Lapointe (on television, she wrote the series The knights). “Seeing my novel being adapted for the big screen gives me great joy,” she said in a statement.

The young heroine will be played by Milya Corbeil Gauvreau, while Adélaïde Schoofs and Léokim Beaumier-Lépine will play her sidekicks. Léonie and Henry. Éric Bruneau, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau, Claude Legault, Hubert Proulx, Marilyse Bourke and Tanya Brideau complete the cast. Jérôme Sabourin and André Guimond will sign the photography and artistic direction respectively. Distributed by Téléfiction Distribution, Fanny Cloutier is expected to hit theaters in spring 2025.

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