Searches begin for teenager after suspect commits suicide

According to a source close to the case, these are searches without any precise indication of location to know where to look and this in a wide area. The 15-year-old teenager had disappeared in September 2023 in Alsace.



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Gendarmes take part in searches on September 28, 2023 to find the body of Lina, who disappeared in Alsace. (FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP)

A search began in the Vosges department on Tuesday July 30 to find Lina, the 15-year-old teenager who disappeared in Plain (Bas-Rhin) in September 2023, franceinfo learned from a source close to the case on Tuesday, confirming information from the newspaper The Parisian. According to this source, these are searches without any precise indication of location and in a wide area. The Strasbourg prosecutor indicated to France Bleu Alsace that “Investigations are continuing in order to find Lina, and this at various points.”

Around fifty gendarmes are involved in this operation, including those from the National Gendarmerie Criminal Research Institute (IRCGN), and specialized dogs. They are involved alongside investigators in charge of the investigations and with gendarmes from the Grand Est region.

According to the same source, a suspect was identified several weeks ago. The latter committed suicide after his car was seized by investigators who were supposed to analyze it. Contacted by France Bleu Alsace, Me Matthieu Airoldi, the lawyer for Lina’s mother, said he was waiting with “worry and serenity” the results of these searches carried out by the police.

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