Artificial Intelligence | Ottawa funds University of Montreal project to fight disinformation

Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge visited the University of Montreal on Monday to announce financial support for an artificial intelligence (AI) project dedicated to combating disinformation.

The University of Montreal will receive $292,675 for its research project entitled “An artificial intelligence strategy to combat disinformation.”

This project, a partnership between the University of Montreal and McGill University, aims to develop a website capable of detecting and counteracting disinformation.

“Disinformation and then misinformation are notable factors that threaten to tear the social fabric apart. Several actors are currently fighting against this scourge and that is why it is essential to invest in the development of tools capable of targeting it,” said Minister St-Onge, adding that “we are convinced that we can be pioneers in the development of AI and that we can do so responsibly,” in a press release.

The funding comes from the “Digital Citizen Contribution Program,” which provides more than 9 million divided into 27 projects.

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