Hockey Quebec is changing, and for the better

Last Saturday, in the middle of a baseball tournament in Saint-Jérôme for our 13-year-old son, we received a letter that changed our weekend: “ [À la] following [d’]a withdrawal, we are pleased to invite […] at the Team Quebec M15 camp taking place next weekend.

Our boy, who had been “forgotten” during the last Hockey Quebec events, was finally going to have his chance. The pride and excitement were palpable in the household.

He was in the pool with his friends, but we couldn’t wait to tell him the news. When we ran to join him, he immediately saw the joy and excitement in our eyes. With a heart as big as the universe, our 13-year-old son, after his game of Marco Polo, asked me: “Are you sure? Am I selected?” Oh yes ! » What a contrast between his childish play in the swimming pool and this news which demands a new maturity from him.

I can already hear you saying: “These parents are crazy, they surely want more than their children, they already see them in the National Hockey League, it’s terrible.” We hear these comments often. People do not really understand the needs or the reasons that guide our family choices (is it jealousy on their part, a misreading of the situation, a lack of knowledge of the environment?).

But let’s get back to our subject: Hockey Quebec.

It is true that Hockey Québec faces a lot of criticism, particularly regarding the development of young athletes and the limited number of Quebecers drafted into the NHL after having passed through the Quebec Ice Hockey Federation. However, our recent experience has shown us another side of this organization.

At 13, our son is learning to grow up well thanks to hockey. This weekend, we were welcomed by people with heart, passionate people. The children had to be dressed properly. They were given a lesson on the importance of ethics and respect. When they arrived at the Convention Center, they all shook hands, they got to know each other, thus developing their social sphere through respect for others and curiosity about differences.

Then, we headed to a conference room, where Frédéric Lavoie, head coach of Team Quebec at the Canada Games, welcomed us. What a speaker! His touching and authentic speech added a positive touch to this unique moment for these children.

Recently, Hockey Québec has been criticized in the news for its selection choices and its management of young talent. However, it is also essential to recognize the efforts and successes of the organization, which do not always make the headlines. Initiatives such as selection camps, development programs and meetings with inspiring figures demonstrate Hockey Québec’s commitment to developing not only athletes, but also responsible citizens.

This weekend, our son saw beauty through the eyes of dozens of other kids his age. But he was also accompanied by human coaches who devote themselves to boys they don’t even know, themselves supervised by leaders who are often singled out for what they’ve done wrong, but who are trying to do better.

I can tell you that at the end of the week, at the Hockey Quebec camp, the leaders were present in the stands, their eyes shining, also hoping for the best for my boy.

Yes, Hockey Québec has challenges to overcome and there are still criticisms that it must take into account, but we must not forget the positive aspects and the moments of training and growth that the federation offers our children. This weekend was proof of that. Thank you to Hockey Québec for all of this.

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