Due to lack of visibility on the platforms, many spectators turn back

Less than an hour before the start of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, part of the public has already left the premises, as the layout of the platforms does not allow them to enjoy the spectacle.

France Télévisions – Sports Editorial


Reading time: 1 min

Spectators on the quays, waiting for the opening ceremony of the Paris Games, July 26, 2024. (MUSTAFA CIFTCI / AFP)

It was certainly not the effect the organizers had hoped for, but the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games had not even begun when several spectators had already left their seats on Friday, July 26. The spectacle, which was to take place along the Seine, was a first of its kind in the history of opening ceremonies, but some, therefore, would not be witnesses to it. The reason for this premature departure was unanimously put forward by all those who decided to return home: “We see nothing”, one of them grumbles after more than an hour of waiting.

Spectators deprived of visibility on the Seine, Friday July 26, during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games (Royalty free)

If, for the spectators housed on the lower quays, at the level of the Seine, the view is completely clear, it is quite different for those placed on the upper quays. Between the dance of umbrellas which already naturally obstruct part of the landscape and an inclination which does not seem to give enough depth of field to the spectators, they see almost nothing of the Seine. “There is nothing raised, everything is flat. And often there are stands, trees or even barriers,” describes Louis, who came especially for the occasion and decided not to stay there.

After an hour or two of not being able to detect the slightest speck of water, many people decided to go home. And to warn those, incredulous, who are still queuing to watch the spectacle. “We prefer to go home and watch TV for something that is never seen before in the production, than to stay there and have it be something never seen before.”Louis says ironically, bitterly.

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