C8 and NRJ12 channels lose their frequency on TNT

Negotiations should begin by the end of the year to obtain new, more demanding agreements between Arcom and the other selected channels.



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The news channel CNews, regularly called to order by Arcom and owned, like C8, by the Canal+ group, was retained. (JEAN-MARC BARRERE / HANS LUCAS)

Arcom has delivered its verdict. The audiovisual regulator has revealed the candidates selected for the award of 15 TNT frequencies, Wednesday July 24. The applications of C8 and the NRJ12 channel were not accepted. Conversely, the news channel CNews, regularly called to order by Arcom and owned, like C8, by the Canal+ group, in the hands of conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré, has been selected for a renewal of its frequency.

The exit of C8 and NRJ12 allows the arrival of two new entrants from the written press: the channel projects proposed by the Ouest-France group and the billionaire Daniel Kretinsky have both been pre-selected by Arcom. Arcom based its decision in particular on “the interest of each project for the public with regard to the priority imperative of pluralism of socio-cultural currents of expression”according to its press release.

The authority had heard in July the representsants of 24 projects. The nine members of the college of the audiovisual regulator have therefore selected the candidates who will remain in the running for the (re)allocation of the channels in question. Negotiations should begin by the end of the year to obtain new, more demanding agreements between Arcom and the selected channels, and authorize them to broadcast in 2025 for a maximum period of ten years.

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