After being injured during a hunting party, the animal was taken in by a family. However, the courts consider that it represents a “health hazard”.
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“Free Toto!” Several dozen animal rights activists gathered on Thursday, July 25, in front of the Arras animal pound (Pas-de-Calais) to protest against the planned euthanasia of a wild boar. The animal was taken in by a family after it was injured during a hunting hunt in October in the Aisne.
But Toto was suspected of being a carrier of the diseaseAujeszkyor swine rage, and justice accuses him of representing “a health hazard”. In June, the Arras judicial court opposed euthanizing him, but the prosecution appealed and the Douai appeal court is due to deliver its ruling on Friday at 2 p.m.
According to the associations, the animal does not represent any danger, the analyses being contradictory. To avoid the death of the wild boar, the city of Charleville-Mézières, in the Ardennes, offered to welcome it in its municipal park. Tuesday, the mayor of Arras, Frédéric Leturque, “solemnly asked the president of the Douai Court of Appeal to prevent the death” wild boar.
A rally in support of Toto the wild boar took place this afternoon in front of the animal pound near Arras 🐗
— France Bleu Nord (@fbleunord) July 25, 2024
The boar was named Toto in reference to the film Go, Toto! by Pierre Creton, the story of a wild boar that escapes a hunt in Normandy. Several petitions to say “No to the decision to euthanize Toto” totaled more than 132,000 signatures on Thursday, according to the associations.