Michel Drucker confides in “Past, Present, Future”

In 1964, during the Tokyo Paralympic Games, Michel Drucker made his first television appearance. 60 years later, on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Games, the host takes the time to look back on an extraordinary career.

Article written by

franceinfo – Mathieu Piccarreta

France Televisions


Reading time: 2 min

Michel Drucker on the occasion of his interview for the format "Past present Future"at the Gabriel studio (Paris) (franceinfo)

In “Passé, présent, futur”, broadcast on franceinfo’s social networks, Michel Drucker, the 81-year-old presenter and star of the public service, dissects the chronological timeline of his television career, which began 60 years ago, on the occasion of the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Interview.

Michel Drucker, theThe man with 60 years of television, remembers not without emotion his discreet debut at the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 1964. At the time, the man who would become the iconic presenter of French television worked as a sports journalist: “Sport is an extraordinary school. It’s where I learned my job.“, confides Michel Drucker to our journalist Mathieu Piccarreta.

The host also recounts more difficult childhood memories. Labeled a “dunce” by his teachers, he suffers from not succeeding at school even though he is surrounded by two brothers who excel in their studies.Me, in the middle of all this, I had to sneak in to try to exist while I was what is called an autodidact. And for autodidacts, everything is more complicated“, he explains, emphasizing that these challenges were driving forces for his future success.

Michel Drucker has made a name for himself among the greats, becoming a friend of the stars. From Johnny Hallyday to Celine Dion, he has rubbed shoulders with the biggest names on the artistic and cultural scene. “Being a friend of the stars means, above all, listening and remaining humble,” he said modestly.

The interview also touches on darker moments, such as the loss of loved ones, including Johnny Hallyday.It was one of the hardest moments of my career.“, he admits, moved. Before adding: “When a great person passes away, I’m the one they call. For the Depardieu affair, everyone called me. For the Delon affair, everyone called me. At the time of the Johnny inheritance affair, everyone called me. Every time, I say no. Because for me, that’s what friendship is. Johnny would have told me: ‘Michel, if you’re a friend, you shut your mouth..”

Michel Drucker also speaks openly about his serious health problems, which led him to undergo two heart operations.I thought I would never come back“, he said. Despite the challenges, he proves his willingness to bounce back, driven by a devouring passion for his profession.

At 81, Michel Drucker shows no signs of slowing down, as evidenced by his upcoming appearances on the shows “What Games!“, presented by Léa Salamé and Laurent Luyat on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Games.”My goal is duration. 1964, Tokyo Paralympic Games, 2024, Paris Games. I pinch myself to believe it.” he says with a satisfied look.

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