The Socialist Party questions the Council of State on the legality of the decisions taken by the resigning government

In this letter addressed and published on X, Wednesday July 24, to the vice-president of the Council of State, the First Secretary of the PS Olivier Faure questions the legality of the decisions taken by the resigning government. According to Olivier Faure, “This situation is unprecedented and, in our eyes, extremely problematic”because, he continues, “never to our knowledge has a government had to manage current affairs for so long”. “Under these conditions, one can legitimately ask questions”, he adds, denouncing “abuse of power”. Follow our live stream.

Nearly six out of ten French people believe that Emmanuel Macron should not nominate the NFP candidate, according to a poll. 41% of those surveyed, on the other hand, believe that the president should instruct her to form a government, according to an Elabe study for BFMTV. For a majority of those surveyed (72%), the bMacronist loc, the left and right parties will not be able to agree to form a stable government. Finally, 59% of French people are in favor of “a political truce” penduring the Olympic Games, as the Head of State wishes.

The left is ready for a show of power with the head of state. Left-wing leaders took to the media on Wednesday to defend Lucie Castets’ candidacy, calling for “mobilization” to put pressure on the Elysée. To Manuel Bompard, Emmanuel Macron is “a madman (…) holed up in the Élysée”“He cannot act as if nothing had happened until mid-August,” reacted the leader of the environmentalists, Marine Tondelier.

Lucie Castets asks the President of the Republic “to take responsibility”. “I am ready, we are ready: I ​​ask the President of the Republic to take responsibility and appoint me”asks the NFP candidate on France Inter on Wednesday. She thus denounces a “denial of democracy” from the head of state and judges this “worrying inconsistency”.

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