Murder of Brandon Jean Celestin | Man in his 30s charged

A man in his thirties who was already in custody is now accused of the murder of Brandon Jean Célestin, which occurred last February. The victim was the brother of the mobster Jean-Philippe Célestin and was shot dead as he left a restaurant in Little Italy in Montreal.

Nestor Miguel Pintos Chew, 35, was charged Wednesday with the premeditated murder of Brandon Jean Célestin, nicknamed Pouchy.

The latter had just attended an engagement party in a reception hall, and was returning on foot to his vehicle, when he was hit by a salvo of around twenty projectiles fired from a moving vehicle.

Brandon Jean Célestin was the younger brother of Jean-Philippe Célestin, a gang leader now a member of the Marauders, a Hells Angels training club.

Miguel Nestor Pintos Chew has a history of assault and identity fraud. He was arrested last April in a case of discharging a firearm.

With Daniel Renaud, The Press

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