Resumption of service on the orange line of the Montreal metro

Service on the Montreal metro’s orange line between Côte-Vertu and Berri-UQAM stations resumed early this evening, after approximately two hours of shutdown due to water infiltration.

A water main break between Lionel-Groulx and Place St-Henri stations was the cause of this situation, explains Amélie Régis, spokesperson for the STM. “The valve is now closed by the city’s teams, so we should be able to resume service at the indicated time.” [17 h 15]once the water has been pumped out,” she said.

A special shuttle bus service had also been set up between the stations affected by the service interruption, added Regis.

Photo: Le Devoir
Many metro users were forced to wait for service to resume on the orange line at the Berri-UQAM station during rush hour on Wednesday.

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