Mathilde Panot announces the submission of a bill to repeal retirement at 64

A bill to repeal the pension reform will be tabled in the National Assembly, announced Mathilde Panot on Tuesday, July 23, on France Inter. “When we submit it (…). Everyone will take their responsibilities to know whether or not they want to bring down a government on the question of the repeal of retirement at 64”said the president of the group La France Insoumise (LFI). “There is a majority to beat” this reform in the hemicycle, assured the deputy of Val-de-Marne. Follow our live.

Bruno Retailleau opposes the formation of a coalition between the Republican Right and the Macronists. The president of the Republican group in the Senate announced on BFMTV that the Republican Right “does not wish to enter the government, nor into a coalition with the presidential camp in the National Assembly.” However, “We are in a spirit of responsibility, we are not seeking to bring down the government”he declared in response to the New Popular Front.

François Ruffin regrets the slowness of negotiations on the left. Interviewed on the set of “4 Vérités” in “Télématin”, François Ruffin regretted the slowness of the discussions to find a name for Prime Minister within the New Popular Front. “Today, instead of change, we have a country that is bogged down, stuck in the mud”he explained. “We could make ‘Les Guignols de l’Info’ with that, it’s Ubu King from the left”, lamented the deputy from the Somme.

Emmanuel Macron interviewed on France 2’s “20 heures”. Live from Trocadéro, the Head of State will answer questions from Thomas Sotto and Nathalie Iannetta. More than two weeks after the results of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron will grant his first interview. The opportunity to speak about the Paris Games three days before the opening ceremony, but also about “the political situation”France TV specifies in a press release.

President calls for “political truce during the Games”. Questioned by journalists on the sidelines of the visit to the athletes’ village in Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron mentioned a “sports festival” doubled with a “Olympic and political truce”The President of the Republic also assured that the Games were not “no way” spoiled by his dissolution of the National Assembly in June.

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