Kamala Harris almost certain to be Democratic Party nominee, CNN says

The vice president has won enough Democratic Party delegates, more than 1,967, to clinch her party’s nomination after Joe Biden withdrew, CNN reported, which conducted a state-by-state tally on Monday, July 22. However, the tally is unofficial. and the approximately 4,000 Democratic delegates expected at the party’s convention in mid-August in Chicago, now freed from supporting the departing Joe Biden, will solemnly vote later to designate the party’s nominee. Follow our live feed.

Kamala Harris officially on the campaign trail. Kamala Harris, who is replacing Joe Biden at short notice, is now testing her candidacy with voters. She is holding her first rally in Wisconsin, a decisive state for her likely duel with Donald Trump.

“We will win,” assures the former prosecutor. At an event in Delaware on Monday, Kamala Harris gave a sneak peek at what Kamala Harris, the nominee, would look like. “I can see the kind of guy Donald Trump is.”launched the former senator from California, comparing the Republican candidate, convicted of criminal offences, to a “predator” and one “crook”.

The Democrat said she was “proud to have gained the broad support needed to become the party’s nominee.” The vice president has received strong support from several governors, including some seen as potential rivals, including Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Gavin Newsom of California. Endorsements have also come from a range of Democratic lawmakers, from the party’s moderate to more left-wing wings, as well as the main American labor group, the AFL-CIO.

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