The elected representative from Alpes-Maritimes directly targets Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the Republican Right deputies, and Xavier Bertrand, president of Hauts-de-France.
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“Today the masks have fallen”, writes Eric Ciotti in a press release published on Monday, July 22. The contested president of the Republicans castigates Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the Republican Right deputies, and Xavier Bertrand, president of Hauts-de-France, as well as “their friends” Who “are today building an alliance with Emmanuel Macron, contrary to their grand speeches of independence and opposition”.
The elected representative of the Alpes-Maritimes criticizes these “leaders” Who “have formed an alliance with Macron’s party in the dark”. He also points the finger at their “indecent alliances with the left and the far left”, on the occasion of the second round of the legislative elections, which took place “participated in the coalition of opposites built by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to hinder the expression of the people.”
Eric Ciotti, still president of the Republicans, also announced to members his wish to hold a vote to choose between the two lines which divide his political family.“Either the dissolution of the Republicans in the Macronist camp that is emerging today, with Laurent Wauquiez and Xavier Bertrand. Or the gathering of the right that I initiated to raise France, while maintaining our independence and our values,” he wrote, admitting to having allied himself with the National Rally.