Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension | Car rental business set on fire

An arson attack occurred during the night from Sunday to Monday in a luxury car rental business in the Villeray sector of Montreal.

One or more suspects allegedly smashed the window of the establishment located on Crémazie Boulevard, near Marquette Street, around 1:45 a.m. The damage is minimal, according to authorities. The targeted business, CityCar Rentals Location Coudicar, specializes in luxury car rentals.

“The firefighters were already bringing the fire under control when the police arrived,” said officer Caroline Chèvrefils, media relations officer for the Montreal Police Department (SPVM).

No incendiary objects were found at the scene.

Investigators from the SPVM arson section will travel in the morning to clarify the circumstances of this event, which did not cause any injuries.

“Checks will be made on possible surveillance cameras,” added Officer Chèvrefils.

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