Behind the Door | André’s Curious Orgasms

The Press offers you each week a testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: André*, 75 years old

André* is 75 years old and he has recently been experiencing the most powerful, long, almost infinite orgasms of his life. He doesn’t really know why, but one thing is certain: he enjoys it!

“I don’t understand myself!” wonders our man, whom we met recently on a scorching morning on a chic terrace. “Am I all alone, or are there others who experience this?”

Beaming, our interlocutor with clear eyes and a charming smile breaks the ice quickly enough to tell us his most intimate secrets. Because no, he hasn’t told anyone about it until now. “I don’t want to disgust anyone!” he says with a laugh. As far as he knows, most people his age and those around him have given up on their sexuality. As for him? She’s never been so active! “There aren’t many men who have to go through what I’m going through,” he believes.

His sex life, however, started off “all crooked”. Raised on a farm, “really empty”, and especially in religion, and all that goes with it, André doesn’t know much about the thing, precisely, when an older boy starts to take a little too much interest in him. He must have been 12 years old. “It starts with little boy games, a masturbation here and there, he remembers, it disgusted me. And it still disgusts me…” Fortunately for him, this “interlude” is short-lived. “I didn’t like it,” he decides. “I’m a ladies’ man…”

He finally got his first steady girlfriend around 18, got married in his early twenties, and she would be the first woman of his life. “We weren’t free like we are today!” he says. Their story lasted 20 years. The very first time? “Not interesting enough to talk about. I was really stupid, really ignorant…”

You know: a little country boy, you stay thick for a long time…

André, 75 years old

For his part, the lady is not a “sex girl”, as he says. In short, it’s not the greatest madness. If he cheated on her? Not really. But he looked elsewhere a lot. “She didn’t deserve that…”

What had to happen happens, and with time, and the years, their story “withers”, until, at the end of his forties, André meets another woman, by chance, and on vacation. “My great love!”, he smiles here. “A big thunderbolt. A fucking thunderbolt! And I’m still with her!”, he beams.

It must be said that with this second woman, in bed, it’s night and day. “She loved it! […] I had never seen that, but deep down, it was my dream! A girl who likes that! ” Does he get off? Certainly, “but not like today, let’s say…”, he adds, looking knowing and his eyes shining.

He quickly goes over their early years, about which we don’t know much, ultimately, until he reaches his 65th birthday. New stage: our man here has cancer. With all that implies. Understand: chemo, radio, etc. “It takes a toll on a man…”

That was 10 years ago. For two good years, as you can imagine, “sex was zero and then one bar.” But André doesn’t mind. Because: “We didn’t have it in our heads…” And while this could be the end of the story, in a way, it’s actually the beginning. Because at the turn of his 70th birthday, not only did it “slowly come back,” but above all, in a dramatic turn of events: “It’s increasing all the time!” “I’ve never seen anything like it!” marvels our interlocutor, his smile splitting from ear to ear.

We guys, when we come […] Afterwards, it’s over, we’re no longer capable of anything. But there, that’s not it… it doesn’t stop!

André, 75 years old

It doesn’t stop? So if you want to know everything (and we obviously want to know everything), very concretely, our man no longer really has an erection. He gave up Viagra a long time ago, because, “at a certain point, it no longer works”. Above all, he no longer has – and forgive the technical details, but this is probably the highlight of the matter – ejaculation.

“Even if you don’t have an erection anymore, being caressed, you still have the taste!”, he specifies. We understand that he actually becomes, through contact with his partner, “semi-hard”, and especially that everything happens here by fellatio. Graphically: “You’re on the edge,” he illustrates, “and it doesn’t stop. At one point, I feel like I’m ejaculating, in fact, it’s as if I ejaculate often, often, but she, she doesn’t receive anything!” And that’s why it goes on and on? “Maybe?”, he wonders. He has no idea.

It literally goes on like this for hours, including the “electric shocks,” until exhaustion. Then the man takes care of the woman. “It’s an exchange! It must be love!” he says, “she takes me so far! After that, I’m dead!”

They have fun like this “at least” once a week. “And I can’t wait!” To do this, he confides, they religiously have a little “party”. “She puts on her heels, all beautiful […] we go to the restaurant, it takes a whole set-up!” Often with a “porn” film (“it motivates us!”), then… “Let’s start!”

André himself can’t believe it. “I’m enjoying it more than when we first met, and [dans ce temps] I had erections!” he marvels even more. So, if you were still wondering if there was life after 70: “Oh my God!” concludes our man, “my life has begun!”

* Fictitious first name to protect anonymity

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