At least 24 dead after Israeli strike on refugee camp in Gaza Strip


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: at least 24 dead after an Israeli strike on a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip
War between Israel and Hamas: at least 24 dead after an Israeli strike on a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip

While the International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal, the country carried out new strikes on the Gaza Strip on Saturday, July 20. 24 people were killed according to Palestinian aid workers.

The Nusseirat camp is devastated. Since the morning of Saturday, July 20, Palestinians who narrowly escaped death have been clearing the rubble. As time goes by, the bodies found under the rubble arrive at a hospital. The families of those killed by the Israeli raid discover the death of their loved ones. The Israeli army claims to have targeted and eliminated terrorists at the request of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Since the beginning of the week, Israel has intensified its strikes on the Gaza Strip. Hamas sees the new bombings as a response to the decision handed down Friday by the International Court of Justice. The highest court of the UN has ruled illegal the occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories since 1967. As the war enters its tenth month, nearly 39,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army according to Hamas.

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