The roof of a nursing home collapsed due to bad weather


Video length: 1 min

Loire: the roof of an EHPAD collapsed due to bad weather
Loire: the roof of an EHPAD collapsed due to bad weather
(France 2)

The roof of a nursing home in the Loire was torn off by the violence of the wind, due to the heavy storms hitting France. Miraculously, no injuries were reported but 23 people had to be rehoused.

Torn off, blown away, a large part of the roof of a retirement home has disappeared. It was 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, when the storm broke. A few seconds later, local residents discovered the roof in their garden. Inside the building, water had seeped in everywhere. The damage was significant; 23 residents had to be evacuated while they were eating their meal.

“I thought it was lightning that had struck, so I quickly went up to evacuate the people. We went through the stairs.”a home help said. The elderly were first sheltered in a community hall, then had to be rehoused. Fortunately, everyone is unharmed. The repairs will take time, the roof was recent. It had been completely redone four years ago following a violent hailstorm.

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