Screens while driving are a great danger


Video length: 2 min

Road safety: screens while driving represent a major danger
Road safety: screens while driving represent a major danger

A study shows that we all get distracted by the many temptations while driving. Sometimes, a few seconds of inattention can cause the worst.

The phone rings while driving, a message appears on the smartphone… While driving, the time spent looking at screens is increasing. Adjusting the GPS, air conditioning or music can also be distracting. A recent study indicates that 76% of French people look at screens while driving. Dialing a phone number while driving takes 35 seconds – during which the driver is not looking at the road and is less alert to unexpected events.

The study also shows that these requests cause distracted drivers to forget to look in their rearview mirrors. Their trajectories also become less precise. “This multiplies by 13 the deviations from the trajectory made by drivers”, explains Adrien Ballet, cognitive ergonomist at Calyxis. A law now requires manufacturers to equip all new vehicles with warning devices for loss of attention or change of direction.

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