the New Popular Front in the majority within the office with twelve elected members out of twenty-two

The New Popular Front (NFP) managed to grab nine of the 12 secretarial positions out of the 22 in the highest executive body of the Assembly on Friday, July 19. The left thus secured a majority in the bureau, which is responsible in particular for deciding on sanctions against deputies. “We get the majority of the positions [au bureau], This is proof that the NFP is the largest pole in the National Assembly,” Mathilde Panot (LFI) welcomed this, calling on the President of the Republic to “appoint a Prime Minister from the NFP”. Follow our live.

A female trio at the quaestors of the National AssemblyThree MPs, Christine Pirès Beaune (PS), Brigitte Klinkert (Ensemble pour la République) and Michèle Tabarot (La Droite républicaine), were elected on Friday evening to occupy influential positions in the quaestorship, responsible in particular for the proper management of the finances of the lower house.

RN denounces a “democratic scandal” after none of its deputies were elected vice-president. Xavier Breton (LR), Nadège Abomangoli (LFI), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons) and Clémence Guetté (LFI) were elected vice-presidents in the first round, and were joined by Roland Lescure (Ensemble pour la République) and Annie Genevard (LR) in the second round on Friday. There will therefore be no far-right MP occupying a vice-president position. Their political group denounces on X “a democratic scandal, the result of agreements made between Macronie and the Republicans”as well as a “the extreme left’s desire to prevent fair representation of 11 million French people.”

First round cancelled due to “ten envelopes too many”. After the election (very disputed) election of Yaël Braun-Pivet to the presidency of the Assembly, the first round of the vice-presidency of the perch was, at first, cancelled. The cause, “ten envelopes too many” at the polls, declared Yaël Braun-Pivet. “We will have to redo the vote”she continued. The deputies questioned about this incident all expressed their astonishment.

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