Homemade sunscreens: do they work? No, says Health Canada

Homemade sunscreen recipes are becoming increasingly common on social media, but they most likely do not protect against the sun’s harmful UV rays, Health Canada warns. It advises people to avoid using these homemade products.

“Health Canada recommends that only authorized sunscreen products be used. All sunscreens authorized for sale in Canada must bear a Drug Identification Number (DIN) or a Natural Product Number (NPN),” the department said in a statement sent Friday.

He points out that exposure to the sun without adequate protection is the leading cause of skin cancer. “Sunscreens are very beneficial for health. Combined with other sun protection measures, such as wearing protective clothing, seeking shade and avoiding peak sunlight hours, they reduce the risk of developing skin cancer and protect against sunburn and premature skin aging,” he adds.

Further details will follow.

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