Cigarettes After Sex Album Review: “X’s”

Cigarettes After Sex remains Cigarettes After Sex, but reinvents itself, in a way, with its latest album. We thus find in X’s the melodies both vaporous and deep to which the group has always accustomed us, but differently. Something impalpable therefore emerges from the album, while the American group abandons, perhaps, more raw sounds in favor of a softened dream pop. To illustrate this point, Baby Blue Moviefor example, subtly summons that of Beach House, without copying it. In any case, Cigarettes After Sex continues to move us to the highest degree. For X’sGreg Gonzalez was inspired by a particular love story that lasted four years… Love has therefore not finished being put into song, but it must be admitted, there will always be that something extra, tormented and at the same time super comforting, when the trio is in charge. And there you have it, we never tire of slowly languishing with Cigarettes After Sex.



Cigarettes After Sex, Partisan Records

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