Joe Biden and his entourage are increasingly considering dropping out of the presidential race, according to US media

Faced with growing pressure from his own camp, the Democratic president has still not thrown in the towel. But he is no longer ruling out this hypothesis, according to the major American media.



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Failed debate, fragile health... even his camp lists the reasons that could push Joe Biden not to run again. (MICHAEL REYNOLDS / MAXPPP)

The beginning of the end for Joe Biden? With almost three months to go until the American election on November 5, the contrast could not be more striking across the Atlantic, between a triumphant Donald Trump at the Republican convention in Milwaukee and a Covid-positive Joe Biden, confined, and whose candidacy has been failing for several weeks. For the major American media, even if the current president has not (yet) given up, he is increasingly taking this hypothesis into consideration.

“Is Joe Biden’s Political World Collapsing?”asks NBC. “We are close to the end”in any case, a member of the president’s entourage claims to the channel. The Democrat could even pass the torch as early as the weekend of July 20-21, several figures from his party assure the Axios site, faced with pressure now “intolerable”.

THE Washington Post thus claims that Barack Obama himself, very silent until then, had confided to those close to him that he doubted the “viability” of the Biden candidacy. One more tutelary figure among the Democrats to put pressure on the octogenarian, with worried statements made to the mainstream media.

Abandoned by his camp, his donors, his collaborators, and by American opinion, Joe Biden, until now intransigent, would have finally accepted the idea of ​​a possible abandonment, assures the New York Times. However, one of the president’s close associates told the daily that he had not yet made a final decision.

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