Quebecers urged to slow down on the roads during construction holidays

A few hours before the start of the construction holidays, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) and the Société d’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) remind us that this is one of the deadliest times of the year due to speed, alcohol and fatigue. While rest and relaxation are often at the top of vacationers’ lists, authorities are calling on Quebecers to also slow down on the roads.

“Slow down, you’re on vacation,” said Geneviève Perron, spokesperson for the SAAQ.

Starting this weekend and until August 4, the SQ will increase its interventions to encourage the population to be careful. “Everyone’s behavior, whether on the road network, on trails or on the water, is an essential factor in the safety of all users,” said Johanne Beausoleil, Director General of the SQ.

According to SAAQ road data, an average of 19 people lose their lives during the construction holidays in Quebec. The number of accidents, meanwhile, is 83 people seriously injured and 1,466 people slightly injured, on average.

These incidents are avoidable, says Perron. She specifies that fatigue, impaired driving, distraction, reckless behavior and speed are the main causes of road accidents.

“The relay villages and roadside rest areas are made available to you to take a short nap if necessary, because after 24 consecutive hours of wakefulness, a person’s physical and mental capacities are similar to those of[un individu] having an alcohol content of 0.1,” explains Perron, indicating that this is a percentage well beyond the limit of 0.08.

Exceeding the speed limit does not necessarily mean saving time, adds the SAAQ spokesperson. She gives the example of a driver who saves only four minutes per 10 km when driving at 70 km/h in a 50 km/h zone.

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