The LFI MP for Val-de-Marne, guest on “8h30 franceinfo” on Thursday July 18, 2024, rejected the idea of a vote by MPs to designate a potential Prime Minister of the New Popular Front.
Reading time: 17 min

Clémence Guetté, LFI MP for Val-de-Marne, called on franceinfo on Thursday, July 18, for patience regarding the appointment of a joint Prime Minister for the New Popular Front. She rejected the proposal to go through a vote of the deputies, demanded by some of the members of the New Popular Front, fearing a majority too weak to ensure the legitimacy of the candidate.
If the negotiations on the left for Matignon are still stalling, Clémence Guetté highlights the agreement reached on a common candidate to run for the perch of the National Assembly, in the person of André Chassaigne. The opportunity for the Insoumise to defend the method of negotiations and consensus to reach an agreement on the name of a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. “I think we will succeed with the method we have used“, she insisted, dismissing the idea of a vote to choose the person who will occupy the post at Matignon. “OWe are trying to put together a government team because we know that the task ahead of us is tough.“, supported the elected representative of Val-de-Marne.
🔴 PM nomination ➡️ “We can succeed with the method we used. I believe there is no reason to change the method along the way,” believes Clémence Guetté.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) July 18, 2024
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) July 18, 2024
However, given the impasse in negotiations within the left-wing coalition for Matignon, some like François Ruffin or the communist group want a vote by the NFP deputies, a proposal supported on Thursday July 18 by the head of the PS Olivier Faure.When we can’t make progress, there is a fairly simple way in democracy to decide between candidates: it’s voting.“, declared Olivier Faure on BFMTV. A proposal swept aside by Clémence Guettée, arguing that if a name were to collect 51% of the votes, it would be “a weak application“, Who “would immediately put the person in a position to be disowned“. “La France Insoumise, contrary to the caricatures that can be made of it, is always on the side of the solution and not the problem.“, added the coordinator of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program for the 2022 presidential election.
“You may find it too long, but in other European countries it takes much longer.”
Clemence Guetteto franceinfo
The Val-de-Marne MP returned to the socialists’ refusal of the candidacy of the President of Réunion, Huguette Bello.Names have emerged and I am thinking in particular of the candidacy of Huguette Bello, of whom I reiterate the esteem I have for her and the fact that we are certain that she is capable of implementing this program of rupture.“, declared Clémence Guetté who denounced a “blockage” of the Socialist Party. As for LFI’s opposition to the PS’s proposal to choose Laurence Tubiana for Matignon, it is the fruit of a “dpolitical disagreement” and no “staff“, she assured.”I have absolutely nothing against Mrs Tubiana but (…) last week, she wrote a column saying that the starting point would be the NFP programme, that the end point would be different and that there were compromises to be found“, she reproached the climate specialist.People in my riding do not want to accommodate a project that is antagonistic to ours.“, defended the elected representative of Val-de-Marne.”The four political forces are homogeneous on this, we have a program and we are going to present it to the National Assembly.” she assured.
Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” from Thursday July 18, 2024 :