opening of the Olympic village, passage of the flame in Oise … Follow the news of the Olympic Games with us

Final stretch before the opening ceremony. Eight days before the event, the noose is tightening. From Thursday, July 18, the Games Pass will be required in certain areas of Paris while the Olympic flame will be roaming in Oise.

The flame continues its journey. After stopping in Aisne on Wednesday, the Olympic flame will cross Oise. It will travel from Compiègne to Beauvais, passing through the towns of Chantilly and Creil. Among the 131 torchbearers for the day will be Jean-Christophe Bette, French rower who won the gold medal in the lightweight coxless four at the Sydney Olympic Games (2000), and Nathalie Bizet, a rider who took part in the 1996 Paralympic Games.

The Olympic Village opens its doors. After three years of work, the Olympic village finally welcomed its first residents on Thursday. At its peak, 14,500 people, including 9,000 athletes, will be housed on an area of ​​52 hectares, spanning the communes of Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen and Ile-Saint-Denis.

The device responsible for supervising the quays launched. Since this morning, the capital has been cut in two. Until July 26, the day of the opening ceremony, access to the districts bordering the Seine is restricted by an anti-terrorist security perimeter (Silt). Only local residents, professionals and visitors will be able to access it, provided they have a Games Pass.

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