Former unionist Réjean Parent is no more

Former trade unionist Réjean Parent died on Wednesday at the age of 71.

An important figure in the education sector in Quebec, he was president of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) from 2003 to 2012, after having held the presidency of the Champlain Union from 1984 to 2003.

Réjean Parent frequently commented on current events, notably by writing columns in the Montreal JournalAfter leaving the CSQ, he worked as chairman of the board of directors of the Centre for Transfer for Educational Success in Quebec (CTREQ).

Réjean Parent continued to be involved in the union organizations where he worked during his retirement, according to the Centrale syndicale de Champlain, which thanked him “for having participated in Quebec social debates, particularly those concerning education throughout his life,” in a press release.

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