what to do with your Christmas tree?



France 3

Article written by

M.Buisson, France 3 Regions, Y.Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

If your fir Christmas tree still sits in your living room while waiting for a recycling solution, here are several ideas that could become solutions.

In the town of Thouars (Deux-Sèvres), maintenance officers collect the old firs of the inhabitants directly on the sidewalk, aboard a horse. Once collected, the conifers are crushed into compost, in order to obtain a natural weedkiller. The method works in several other cities, such as Paris.

At the Frossay zoo (Loire-Atlantique), the animals are waiting for the arrival of the firs, which are a food they love. “It allows them to have a dietary diversity (…) [et] it makes them a new element in their environment, [qui] allows you to break the daily routine a little“, explains Nicolas Coussy, employee of Legendia Parc. In addition, the fir represents for certain animals a non-negligible contribution in mineral salts, which they could miss in their daily ration.

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