“I am angry, I am disgusted, I am fed up,” says Marine Tondelier in the face of the impasse in negotiations on the left.



Video length: 9 min

VIDEO. Marine Tondelier’s rant
VIDEO. Marine Tondelier’s rant

Invited to France 2’s “4 vérités” on Wednesday, the national secretary of the Ecologistes-EELV said she was “sorry for the spectacle we are giving to French women and men”.

A real rant. Invited to the “4 vérités” of France 2, the national secretary of the Ecologistes-EELV, Marine Tondelier, said “disgusted” Wednesday July 17 by the leadership war between the rebels and the socialists to propose a name for Matignon. “I am angry, I am disgusted, I am fed up. I am tired (…) And I am sorry for the spectacle we are giving to the French people” she lamented.

“Every hour, every minute of ridicule that we offer (…), we are manufacturing RN votes and there will be no point in coming to get me with my green jacket in 2027 between the two rounds to say ‘Help, we need a republican front'”has followed the regional councilor of Hauts-de-France on France 2, before summarizing: “You can’t raise hope and disappoint so much.”

“We say nianiania Huguette Bello, nianiania Laurence Tubiana. But we will end up with Laurent Wauquiez“, continued Marine Tondelier, fearing to “take for ten years” in the event of failure of negotiations. “People will insult us in the street. MEven I want to. I won’t do it, but I don’t think any less of itshe warns.

The environmentalist called for the immediate resumption of the stalled negotiations. “for several days”. “With the communists, we didn’t put exclusivity on any name. An insurgent, that suits us. A socialist, that suits us. A communist, that suits us. An ecologist, that suits us. Civil society, that suits us”, she assured. “If we wait for the purity of the solution that is ideal for everyone, we will not find it,” she judged. “People know that we don’t have an absolute majority, but we owe it to them to give everything. And right now, we’re not giving everything,” still regrets the national secretary of the party.

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